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About Andaman - at a Glance
Annual Vital Statistics - 2011
Sl.No Description No/Area
1. Number of Districts 3
2. Number of Sub-Divisions 4
3. Number of Tehsils 9
4. Number of CD Blocks 5
5. Number of Panchayats 69
6. Number of Panchayat Samities 7
7. Number of Zilla Parishad 2
8. Number of Revenue Villages 204
9. Number of Municipality 1
10. Number of Statutory Town 1
11. Number of Census Town 4
12. Total Number of Islands 556
13. Number of un-Inhabited Islands 518
14. Number of Inhabited Islands 38
15. Number of Census Villages 547
16. Number of Inhabited Villages (2001 Census) 501
17. Number of Uninhabited Villages (2001 Census) 46
18. Decadal Growth Rate (2001 Census) 6.68
19. Density of Population (2001 Census) 43 per Sq. Kms
20. Total Area 8249 Sq. Kms
21. South Andaman District 3106 Sq. Kms
22. Middle & North Andaman District 3302 Sq. Kms
23. Nicobar District 1841 Sq. Kms
24. Urban Area 16.64 Sq. Kms
25. Rural Area 8232.36 Sq. Kms
Population - 2011 (Provisional figure as per Census)
Sl.No District Nos.
1. South Andaman (Urban) 132792
2. South Andaman (Rural) 104794
3. South Andaman (Total) 237586
4. Middle & North Andaman (Rural) 105539
5. Nicobar (Rural) 36819
6. Andaman & Nicobar (Urban) 132792
7. Andaman & Nicobar (Rural) 247152
8. Andaman & Nicobar (Total) 379944
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